To purchase Daktacort cream, you must have a valid prescription from your doctor or medical professional.
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₵74.00 ₵70.00
Athlete’s foot and candidal intertrigo where there are co-existing symptoms of inflammation.
Organisms which are susceptible to miconazole are dermatophytes and pathogenic yeasts (e.g., Candida spp.). Also many Gram-positive bacteria including most strains of Streptococcus and Staphylococcus.
The properties of Daktacort Hydrocortisone Cream indicate it particularly for the initial stages of treatment. Once the inflammatory symptoms have disappeared, treatment can be continued with Daktarin cream or Daktarin powder.
To purchase Daktacort cream, you must have a valid prescription from your doctor or medical professional.
Upload prescription here
A Pharmacist will attend to you. Thank you.
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